Air Date: 8-6-2021|Episode 635
This week we welcome Jack Springston, CIH, CSP – ACGIH Bioaerosols Committee Vice Chair Neil Zimmerman, PhD, PE, CIH, FAIHA – ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Committee Member and Frank Mortl III, CAE – ACGIH Executive Director for an update on ACGIH COVID documents and the new Bioaerosols Monograph on Air Sampling Instrumentation. ACGIH has collaborated with ASHRAE on their most recent COVID document revisions and is in the midst of revising the 1999 Bioaerosols Assessment and Control book. The industry is anxiously awaiting this revision.
Frank Mortl, ACGI Executive Director, is responsible for providing guidance and support to the Board of Directors while leading ACGIH®’s team of professionals who are committed to serving a membership that strives to deliver critically important industrial hygiene knowledge along a wide spectrum of topics ranging from air sampling instruments, bioaerosols, biological exposure indices, industrial ventilation, as well as threshold limit values (TLVs®) for chemical substances and physical agents.
Neil Zimmerman, PhD, PE, CIH, FAIHA is a Professor Emeritus of Industrial Hygiene, retired after a 32 year career (1981-2013) as a professor, researcher and educator in the Industrial Hygiene Program of the School of Health Sciences, Purdue University. Dr. Zimmerman is an active member of the AIHA’s Academic Accreditation Committee, which is responsible for ABET accreditation of university IH programs and is a past Chair. He currently is an active member of the ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Committee and was also an active participant in the development of ACGIH’s recently released “ventilation for COVID-19” white papers. Dr. Zimmerman holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern University, and MS in Environmental Engineering and PhD in Air and Industrial Hygiene from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is certified in the comprehensive practice of industrial hygiene (CIH). He has been affectionately referred to as Dr. Z by his many past students and is also known as “the Z-man”!
Jack Springston has over 34 years’ experience in industrial hygiene and occupational health. He has been a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) since 1993, and is one of less than 50 active CIHs who also hold a sub-specialty certificate in Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ). He has also been a Certified Safety Professional since 1999. Jack is currently the Industrial Hygiene Services Manager, Branch Safety Officer, and Training Director for Atlas Technical in New York City, Albany, and Long Island. He has a BS in Environmental Biology and an MS Degree in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences from Hunter College. He currently serves as the Vice Chair of the ACGIH’s newly reformed Bioaerosols Committee and has authored and co-authored several chapters for the upcoming 2nd Edition Bioaerosols Assessment and Control book.