Air Date: 6-25-2021|Episode 631
This week we are doing a special tribute show for one of our all time favorite guests McGregor “Mac” Pearce, MPH. We will be joined by some IEQ legends that worked with Mac over the years, Joe Lstiburek, Mike McGuinness and the Restoration Global Watchdog Pete Consigli to discuss Mac’s contributions to the industry and then we will replay our favorite Mac Pearce show. What could possibly be interesting about mold and mildew, you ask? It’s all in the content and the presentation style of the person discussing the subject. IAQ Radio is delighted to memorialize internationally known and acclaimed expert on the subject McGregor Pearce of St. Paul, Minnesota. Mac was an environmental health consultant specializing in indoor air quality problems.
He held a Masters in Public Health from the University of Minnesota and was a nationally recognized speaker on mold issues. Mr. Pearce was one of the instructors at The Mid Atlantic Environmental Hygiene Resource Center (MEHRC) which was founded in 1992 as a program of the University Science Center, a Pennsylvania science and technology corporation owned by 28 colleges, universities and academic centers from three states. Mac investigated mold in homes, commercial buildings, hospitals, clinics and skyscrapers and he made mycology marvelously interesting. Mac loved learning; never ceasing to peruse books, engaging with friends, swimming at Big Watab Lake, and hiking at river cabin near Brainerd.