Richard Corsi, PhD, PE – University of California Davis – COVID accelerated IAQ Research to Practice: What have we learned?
Air Date: 11-19-2021|Episode 646
This week on IAQradio+ we welcome Dr. Richard Corsi Dean of the College of Engineering at University of California Davis. Many will remember Dr. Corsi for his time at the University of Texas and Portland State. We look forward to having him back to discuss his current endeavors and how COVID has accelerated IAQ Research to Practice.
Sarah Haines, PhD – Assistant Professor – University of Toronto – The Puzzle of Buildings & Health; Research to Practice
Air Date: 11-12-2021|Episode 645
This week on IAQradio+ we welcome Dr. Sarah Haines of the University of Toronto Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering. Dr. Haines came to our attention when she was part of a group with Karen Dannemiller, PhD at the Healthy Buildings Summit 2019. It was refreshing to have a group of young academics join us to share interests in healthy buildings research to practice. She has since taken a position at the University of Toronto with Jeff Siegel, PhD another HBS Keynoter and research to practice enthusiast. This week we look forward to learning more about how Sarah and other academics see the puzzle of buildings and health.
Kevin R. Hart – CEO | HAVEN IAQ – Linking HVAC & IAQ with Sensor Technology
Air Date: 11-5-2021|Episode 644
This week on IAQradio+ we welcome Kevin Hart, Haven IAQ CEO to continue our discussion on HVAC and IAQ. This week we focus on using sensor technology to optimize HVAC affects on IAQ. Kevin is the founder of Haven IAQ and is doing some interesting work linking HVAC and IAQ.  Nate “The House Whisperer” Adams  brought Kevin and Haven to our attention during our last show with him.
Robert Bean, FASHRAE – The Edifice Complex, IAQ, HVAC, Building Science & COVID
Air Date: 10-22-2021|Episode 643
This week we welcome back Robert Bean a retired engineering technology professional having practiced in building construction engineering technology and mechanical engineering for decades. This will be a thought provoking interview on IAQ, HVAC, Building Science and COVID. Mr. Bean specialized in the design of indoor environments and high-performance building systems.
John Mulhausen, PhD, CIH, CSP – AIHA President and Larry Sloan, MBA, FASAE, CAE – AIHA CEO – Accelerating Advancement in Industrial Hygiene Science and Practice
Air Date: 10-15-2021|Episode 642
This week we welcome Dr. John Mulhausen AIHA President and Larry Sloan, AIHA CEO for a discussion on how to accelerate your advancement in the world of industrial hygiene. We will look at how those in the health and safety world can advance and prosper in today’s unique environment.
Chris Howells – Aprilaire Senior Product Manager Ventilation and Purification Systems – HVAC & IAQ: What Works!
Air Date: 10-8-2021|Episode 641
This week we welcome Chris Howells, Aprilaire Senior Product Manager Ventilation and Purification Systems, to talk HVAC & IAQ: What Works!. We have very recently had some excellent building science shows with Joe Lstiburek and Nate Adams. It seems like a good time to see what a major manufacturers’ Product Manager for Ventilation and Purification can tell us what he sees out in the field.
Michelle Blevins – Cleaning and Restoration Industry Update
Air Date: 10-1-2021|Episode 640
This week we welcome Michelle Blevins owner and publisher of C&R Magazine. A lot is happening in the industry and Michelle has her finger on the pulse join us as we dig in and learn more about some of the big changes in the cleaning and restoration industry.
Nate Adams – HVAC 2.0, IAQ and The Art of the Possible
Air Date: 9-24-2021|Episode 639
This week we welcome back Nate “The House Whisperer” Adams for a lesson on HVAC and IAQ. We did not get to discuss HVAC as much as we wanted with Dr. Joe Lstiburek so we asked Nate to join us and continue the discussion. We will talk about his “electrify everything” mantra, the HVAC 2.0 program and BAD ASS HVAC. Nate and his partners are trying to shake things up but also keep in mind “the art of the possible”. The focus of the discussion will primarily be on existing housing, HVAC and IAQ.
Paula Schenck, MPH – UConn Health Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine – Health and Safety during the COVID Pandemic
Air Date: 9-17-2021|Episode 638
This week we welcome back Paula Schenck, MPH for a discussion about Health and Safety during the COVID Pandemic, risk communication plus a few other current events and topics that will be of great interest to our audience. Paula last joined us in 2016 when she was part of a panel we interviewed at the Maine IAQ Conference in Portland, Maine.
Joe Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng – Moisture Control for Residential Buildings
Air Date: 9-10-2021|Episode 637
This week we welcome back Joe Lstiburek, PhD, P. Eng. for a discussion about his new book “Moisture Control for Residential Buildings”. The first edition came out in 1991 and with all the changes to code, materials, methods, etc. it was time for a new edition. Mission accomplished, now it’s time to LEARN MORE about the current state of Moisture Control for Residential Buildings!