Jim MacDonald & Vincent Begin – Teksill Solutions, Inc. – Innovations in Protection from Water Damage
Air Date: 1-10-2020|Episode 569
This week on IAQ Radio+ we welcome Jim MacDonald and Vincent Bégin to discuss an innovation in protection from water damage. Jim developed the TEKSILL vented sill plate and Vincent is their Business Development Director. The Z-man met them on his trip to Ireland and was impressed with them and their product.
Cliffs Blog & Full Description
Dr. Jill Crista – Author, Educator, Naturopathic Doctor – Diagnosing and Treating Mold Sickness
Air Date: 12-20-2019|Episode 568
This week on IAQ Radio+ we welcome Doctor Jill Crista to talk about her thoughts on Diagnosing and Treating Mold Sickness. IAQ Radio+ continues to expose our listeners a variety of approaches on this issue, today we will talk to an Author, Educator and Naturopathic Doctor about her approach. We will also discuss her recommendations on how practitioners can work with Doctors and patients dealing with mold sickness.
Cliffs Blog & Full Description
FLASHBACK FRIDAY – Eugene C. Cole, DrPH Research to Practice: Water Damage, Sewage, Mold & Public Health – Air Date: 4-12-2019|Episode 542
Air Date: 12-13-2019|Episode 567
This week on IAQ Radio+ we Flashback to our interview with Eugene C. Cole DrPH. Dr. Gene Cole is Director of Research for LRC Indoor Testing & Research, Cary, NC; and formerly Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. He has 35 years of research experience, with a primary focus on the ecology of indoor and work environments, with special emphasis on identification and reduction of pollutant reservoirs and sources, bioaerosols, human exposure assessment and control, product evaluation, cleaning and restoration, mold and sewage remediation, and biocides.
Cliffs Blog & Full Description
Robert Higgins – Concrete & Moisture: Fact vs Fiction
Air Date: 12-6-2019|Episode 566
This week on IAQ Radio+ we welcome Robert Higgins. Robert Higgins has been involved with moisture-related issues in concrete and waterproofing since 1976 and has been developing products for such use since 1980. He was a product development chemist for SINAK. Bob is equally involved in product and process development, having developed most of the products manufactured and marketed by his former company SINAK Corporation, as well as owning or co- owning patents for moisture testing. He has expertise in moisture-related concrete issues, having been involved with waterproofing, technical committees, professional groups, lecturing, teaching; and construction defect litigation.
Andrew Rynhart – Tramex Limited – Measuring & Documenting Moisture Content
Air Date: 11-22-2019|Episode 565
This week on IAQ Radio+ we welcome Tramex Ltd. CEO Andrew Rynhart. Moisture detection and measurement is vital to understanding building science, indoor air quality, disaster restoration and home performance. Nothing causes more building related issues that moisture! Join us this week to LEARN MORE about how moisture is detected and measured particularly in difficult to assess situation such as moisture in concrete.
Shari Solomon Esq. – CleanHealth Environmental – The Next Generation of IEQ Pros Infection Control, Lead Paint, Mold and More!
Air Date: 11-8-2019|Episode 564
This week we welcome live in the studio at the “World Headquarters”, one of “The Next Generation of IEQ Pros” Shari Solomon, Esq. Shari is an upcoming professional from the DC area, we’ll be discussing infection control, lead paint, mold, IEQ regulations and more.
Shari L. Solomon, Esq. is president of CleanHealth Environmental, LLC. CleanHealth provides comprehensive industrial hygiene, infection control and OSHA training services, offering valuable risk management and compliance solutions. Ms. Solomon possesses more than 19 years of environmental consulting and federal regulatory experience. An attorney by trade, combined with her experience in the industrial hygiene field, Shari holds a unique expertise and understanding of liability prevention techniques. Prior to launching CleanHealth, Shari held the position as Director of Training with a full-service Industrial Hygiene firm and was charged with the development and oversight of all training programs nationwide. Ms. Solomon is a U.S. EPA Accredited Trainer for the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP) and has spent many years providing indoor air quality services including litigation support, operation and maintenance program development, and indoor air quality assessments.
Thomas J. Phillips – Healthy Building Research, Davis, CA – The HEAT is On, Part 2 – How climate change will affect IAQ, future proofing buildings & beyond energy efficiency
Air Date: 11-1-2019|Episode 563
This week we welcome back Tom Phillips for Part 2 of our discussion on “How climate change will affect IAQ, future proofing buildings & beyond energy efficiency”. During Part 1 we talked about how climate change has and will affect IAQ in Part 2 we will review and add to that discussion then spend most of our time talking about future proofing buildings and beyond energy efficiency. Tom is passionate about this topic and has put a lot of effort into educating people with fact based information. This is just what we need when talking about this topic.
PRACTICE to Research – The Restoration Panel
Air Date: 10-25-2019|Episode 562
Good Day and welcome to Iaqradio+. This week we are going to replay one of our best panels from the HBS 2019. This panel was the PRACTICE to Research; Restoration Panel. Members of the panel were John Downey, Ralph Moon, PhD, Felicia Cianciarulo, PhD and Cliff Zlotnik. Each panel was asked to present research that most practitioners would not be aware of and that could be incorporated into their practice. Or they could promote and discuss topics that practitioners feel need more research. This panel did a great job on both counts. We had a great time at the summit and a fantastic group of speakers. Our thanks go out to all the attendees, speakers and exhibitors.
Todd DeMonte & Larry Carlson – The Present & Future of IAQ & Restoration Madison Industries, Therma-Store, LLC & Phoenix Restoration Equipment an American Success Story
Air Date: 10-11-2019|Episode 561
This week on IAQradio+ we welcome Todd DeMonte, Chief Innovation Officer for Madison Indoor Air Quality and Larry Carlson of, Phoenix Restoration Equipment a Division of Therma-Stor, LLC to discuss the present and future of IAQ and Restoration. These gentlemen know whats happening now and are expected to predict future trends in the industry. They are a dynamic duo that will help you navigate these fast changing industries during this evolving period. They also work for an American company doing there manufacturing in Madison, Wisconsin, an American Success Story!
Open Mic – IAQA President Jay Stake, John & Lydia Lapotaire
Air Date: 10-4-2019|Episode 560