Tom Laubenthal Asbestos and Lead – Past, Present & Future

Air Date: 9-29-2023|Episode 710

This week we welcome Tom Laubenthal of TGL Consulting to discuss Asbestos and Lead – Past, Present & Future. This is a topic that all of our audience runs into and needs to know more about.

Mr. Laubenthal is the owner of TGL Consulting, Inc, based in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He has 39+ years of industry service and is considered an internationally recognized subject matter expert within the asbestos and lead-based paint control industries. He has served in a variety of leadership roles including as a past National President of the Environmental Information Association and he is a past recipient of the EIA’s Snyder Lifetime Achievement Award. He currently serves on the national board of the Lead and Environmental Hazards Association (LEHA). He manages the Asbestos Professional Networks page on LinkedIn with nearly 17,000 members. The largest web page of its kind in the world. He has published extensively in print and e-media and is regularly invited to speak at technical meetings on topics of asbestos and lead-based paint detection and control. He received his B.S. in Geology from Georgia State University.

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